
From Frostgrave Wiki


Weapon Name Damage Modifier Max Range Notes
Dagger -1 Initial dagger does not take up an item slot
Hand Weapon +0
Two-Handed Weapon +2 Takes up two item slots
Staff -1 -1 damage modifier applied to opponent in hand-to-hand combat
Bow +0 24" Load and fire as single action

Requires quiver

Crossbow +2 24" Load and fire as separate actions

May reload in place of movement

Requires quiver

Unarmed -2 -2 Fight


Armour Name Armour Modifier Notes
Shield +1 Initial dagger does not take up an item slot
Light Armour +1 May not be carried with a two-handed weapon or staff
Heavy Armour +2 -1 Move
  1. Spellcasters may not use armour of any kind.