
From Frostgrave Wiki

In the game of Frostgrave, spellcasters play a crucial role in navigating the treacherous city and achieving victory in battles. Wizards and their apprentices form the core of the warbands, leading groups of soldiers through the frozen ruins to search for magical artifacts and treasures.

Wizards are powerful spellcasters who can master spells from various schools of magic. Each wizard specializes in one school of magic, gaining a deep understanding and enhanced ability to cast spells within that school. Additionally, wizards can learn spells from other schools, albeit at a slower pace and reduced proficiency.

Apprentices are students of magic, learning under the tutelage of their respective wizards. While not as powerful or skilled as their masters, apprentices still possess considerable magical abilities and are valuable assets to a warband. They can cast spells from the same schools as their masters, but their success rate is slightly lower.

Schools of Magic

School of Magic Wizardry Notes
Chronomancy Chronomancer
Elemental Magic Elementalist
Summoning Summoner
Enchantment Enchanter
Illusion Illusionist
Necromancy Necromancer
SchoolSigil.png Sigil Crafting Sigilist
SchoolSooth.png Soothsaying Soothsayer
SchoolThaum.png Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgist
SchoolWitch.png Witchcraft Witch
SchoolVampire.png Vampirism Vampire
SchoolFireGiant.png Lore of Fire Giants Fire Giant
SchoolAstromancy.png Astromancy Astromancer Spellcasters cannot specialize in this school; exclusively for scrolls
SchoolChaos.png Distortion Distortionist Spellcasters cannot specialize in this school; exclusively for scrolls
SchoolFate.png Fatecasting Fatecaster Spellcasters cannot specialize in this school; exclusively for scrolls
SchoolSonance.png Sonance Sonancer Spellcasters cannot specialize in this school; exclusively for scrolls
SchoolSpiritualism.png Spiritualism Spiritualist Spellcasters cannot specialize in this school; exclusively for scrolls

School Alignment

School SchoolSigil.png SchoolSooth.png SchoolThaum.png SchoolWitch.png
- +2 +6 +4 +2 +4 +2 +4 +4 +4
+2 - +2 +6 +4 +4 +4 +2 +4 +4
+6 +2 - +4 +4 +2 +4 +4 +4 +2
+4 +6 +4 - +4 +2 +2 +4 +2 +4
+2 +4 +4 +4 - +4 +4 +2 +6 +2
SchoolSigil.png +4 +4 +2 +2 +4 - +4 +6 +2 +4
SchoolSooth.png +2 +4 +4 +2 +4 +4 - +4 +2 +6
+4 +2 +4 +4 +2 +6 +4 - +4 +2
SchoolThaum.png +4 +4 +4 +2 +6 +2 +2 +4 - +4
SchoolWitch.png +4 +4 +2 +4 +2 +4 +6 +2 +4 -

List of Spells

Spell Name School of Magic Types Base Casting Numer
Absorb Knowledge Sigilist Out-of-Game (A) 12
Animal Companion Witch Out-of-Game (B) 10
Animate Construct Enchanter Out-of-Game (B) 10
Animate Skull Necromancer Line-of-Sight 8
Awareness Soothsayer Out-of-Game (B) 12
Banish Thaumaturge Line-of-Sight 10
Beauty Illusionist Self 10
Blinding Light Thaumaturge Line-of-Sight 8
Blink Illusionist Line-of-Sight 12
Bone Dart Necromancer Line-of-Sight 10
Bones of The Earth Necromancer Line-of-Sight 10
Brew Potion Witch Out-of-Game (B) 12
Bridge Sigilist Line-of-Sight 10
Call Storm Elementalist Area 12
Circle of Protection Thaumaturge Touch 12
Combat Awareness Soothsayer Touch 12
Control Animal Witch Line-of-Sight 12
Control Construct Enchanter Line-of-Sight 12
Control Demon Summoner Line-of-Sight 10
Control Undead Necromancer Line-of-Sight 12
Crumble Chronomancer Line-of-Sight 10
Curse Witch Line-of-Sight 8
Decay Chronomancer Line-of-Sight 12
Destroy Undead Thaumaturge Line-of-Sight 10
Destructive Sphere Elementalist Area 12
Dispel Thaumaturge Line-of-Sight 12
Draining Word Sigilist Area 14
Elemental Ball Elementalist Line-of-Sight 12
Elemental Bolt Elementalist Line-of-Sight 12
Elemental Hammer Elementalist Line-of-Sight 10
Elemental Shield Elementalist Self 10
Embed Enchantment Enchanter Out-of-Game (A) 14
Enchant Armour Enchanter Line-of-Sight 8
Enchant Weapon Enchanter Line-of-Sight 8
Explosive Rune Enchanter Line-of-Sight 10
Familiar Witch Out-of-Game (B) 10
Fast Act Chronomancer Line-of-Sight 8
Fleet Feet Chronomancer Line-of-Sight 10
Fog Witch Line-of-Sight 8
Fool's Gold Illusionist Line-of-Sight 10
Furious Quill Sigilist Line-of-Sight 10
Glow Illusionist Line-of-Sight 10
Grenade Enchanter Line-of-Sight 10
Heal Thaumaturge Line-of-Sight 8
Illusionary Soldier Illusionist Out-of-Game (B)/Touch 12
Imp Summoner Line-of-Sight 10
Invisibility Illusionist Touch 12
Leap Summoner Line-of-Sight 8
Mind Control Soothsayer Line-of-Sight 12
Mind Lock Soothsayer Line-of-Sight 12
Miraculous Cure Thaumaturge Out-of-Game (A) 16
Mud Witch Line-of-Sight 10
Petrify Chronomancer Line-of-Sight 10
Plague of Insects Summoner Line-of-Sight 10
Planar Tear Summoner Line-of-Sight 12
Plane Walk Summoner Self 10
Posion Dart Witch Line-of-Sight 10
Possess Summoner Line-of-Sight 12
Power Word Sigilist Area 14
Push Sigilist Line-of-Sight 8
Raise Zombie Necromancer Out-of-Game (B)/ Touch 10
Revel Secret Soothsayer Out-of-Game (B) 12
Scatter Shot Elementalist Area 12
Shield Thaumaturge Line-of-Sight 10
Slow Chronomancer Line-of-Sight 10
Spell Eater Necromancer Line-of-Sight 12
Steal Health Necromancer Line-of-Sight 10
Strength Enchanter Line-of-Sight 10
Strike Dead Necromancer Line-of-Sight 18
Suggestion Soothsayer Line-of-Sight 12
Summon Demon Summoner Touch 12
Telekenesis Enchanter Line-of-Sight 10
Teleport Illusionist Self 10
Time Store Chronomancer Self 14
Time Walk Chronomancer Self 14
Transpose Illusionist Line-of-Sight 12
True Sight Soothsayer Self 10
Wall Elementalist Line-of-Sight 10
Wizard Eye Soothsayer Line-of-Sight 8
Write Scroll Sigilist Out-of-Game (A) 12
Transcendence All Out-of-Game (A) 20
Homunculus SupLL.png Witch Out-of-Game 14
Lichdom SupLL.png Necromancer Out-of-Game 20
Revenant SupLL.png Necromancer Out-of-Game 14
Animal Manipulation SupBP.png Beastcrafter Line-of-Sight 10
Animal Mutatuion SupBP.png Beastcrafter Out-of-Game 14
Capture Incantation SupBP.png Sigilist Reaction 12
Deflect SupBP.png Soothsayer Reaction 12
Elemental Lash SupBP.png Elementalist Reaction 12
Flash SupBP.png Illusionist Reaction 8
Slowfall SupBP.png Chronomancer Reaction/LOS 8
Nightmare SupBP.png Spiritualist Out-of-Game 12
Demonic Servant SupFP.png Summoner Out-of-Game 10
Mystic Brand SupFP.png Sigilist Out-of-Game 12
Alignment SupMM.png Astromancer Self 12
Meteor Strike SupMM.png Astromancer Line-of-Sight 14
Misalignment SupMM.png Astromancer Area 10
Shape Starfire Elemental SupMM.png Astromancer Line-of-Sight 12
Starfall SupMM.png Astromancer Line-of-Sight 12
Starfire Bolt SupMM.png Astromancer Line-of-Sight 14
Break Armour SupMM.png Distortionist Line-of-Sight 10
Collapse SupMM.png Distortionist Line-of-Sight 8
Fracture SupMM.png Distortionist Self 12
Implode/Explode SupMM.png Distortionist Line-of-Sight 12
Misstep SupMM.png Distortionist Out-of-Game 10
Whiplash SupMM.png Distortionist Self 12
Blood Wager SupMM.png Fatecaster Self 10
Fickle Finger SupMM.png Fatecaster Line-of-Sight 12
Mischance SupMM.png Fatecaster Line-of-Sight 8
Scatter SupMM.png Fatecaster Line-of-Sight 8
Serendipity SupMM.png Fatecaster Line-of-Sight 8
True Gold SupMM.png Fatecaster Out-of-Game 10
Charm SupMM.png Sonancer Area 8
Imbue Instrument SupMM.png Sonancer Out-of-Game/Self 10
Humming Blase SupMM.png Sonancer Line-of-Sight 8
Steal Voice SupMM.png Sonancer Line-of-Sight 12
Sound Cloud SupMM.png Sonancer Self 10
Sound Wave SupMM.png Sonancer Line-of-Sight 12
Call Wraith SupMM.png Spiritualist Line-of-Sight 12
Command Ethereal SupMM.png Spiritualist Line-of-Sight 12
Ethereal Form SupMM.png Spiritualist Self 10
Inhabit SupMM.png Spiritualist Line-of-Sight 8
Nightmare SupMM.png Spiritualist Out-of-Game 12
Speak With Dead SupMM.png Spiritualist Out-of-Game 12